The roll-off dumpster rental service company will organize delivery and pick-up of the dumpster at the most convenient time. Of course, be aware of other factors, such as the availability of the dumpsters and the company's schedule.

Want to make sure delivery and pick-up go smoothly? With no unnecessary delays and incident-free? Here are some actionable tips for the best outcome.

1. Make Room

Once you settle on a placement area for your roll-off dumpster rental, ensure you move away cars, outdoor furniture, and any other items from the area. This will ensure nothing is blocking the way, and the delivery truck will have easy access.

Ensure there are no obstructions around the roll-off dumpster so you will have an easier time loading it up. Also, avoid overhead obstacles such as trees and power lines, as the hoist system works optimally when there is adequate overhead clearance.

2. Load Efficiently

Ask the roll-off dumpster rental company for guidelines on how to go about loading the dumpster. For starters, you want to keep the bulky waste at the bottom and ensure the light waste goes on top. Load evenly on all sides, so the weight is well distributed.

Additionally, you want to watch how much you put into the roll-off dumpster. Keep your load of waste below the top rail on your dumpster. This ensures that you can easily close the lid, and the pick-up team can easily tarp your dumpster for transport. 

Also, ensure you stick to the weight limit imposed. The pick-up trucks have a limit on how much weight they can haul, and going over this weight may pose a safety risk.

3. Properly Shut and Latch

Ensure you properly shut and latch the lid on your roll-off dumpster when you are done with filing it up and are getting ready for pick-up. The dumpster rental company will provide details on how to do this right, including ensuring that you apply the safety chains and pins. This step is crucial as it helps ensure all the waste in the roll-off dumpster stays intact and doesn't spill out as the operator lifts it onto the truck or during transportation to the disposal site.

Do It Right

Ask questions if you are unsure of how to prepare for the delivery and pick-up of your roll-off dumpster rental. With the highlighted tips, you should be all set for a hassle-free experience. The team from the dumpster rental company will be in and out fast, and the good news is that you won't even need to be present.

For more information, contact a company such as FCC Environmental Services.
